ESP-201 programmer (upcoming)

Flashing the ESP-201.

For a project that was heavily stuck (smartenizing a 12 years old Jura Mug Warmer) my brother recommended an ESP-201. Even though this is not the most beefy variant nor small form factor or anything special, the module certainly has its charm.
Equipped with an external antenna connector (which is already set to use it) and the PCB antenna, the ADC available (not like on an ESP-01(s)) on a GPIO and a programming interface that looks easily accessible I went ahead and liberated one from a dark and cold shelf from my trusted electronic store GME.CZ.

At home I realized the module is nothing like the ESPs I had. Half a megabyte of flash, which turns OTA into a two step action, no RESET or BOOT button, so no way to easily push some FW over serial either. Also just 3V3 because no step-down is on the board.

A lengthy research and at least 5 WTF followed by another 5 ahhhhh, ahaaaa effects later the module received its first FW. Mainly thanks to who pointed out the use of some resistors to make it work. In my case, without the resistors I had no joy either!

While this is not the final "programmer" version, at least it will help you getting some FW into it.











Did I mention this blog is about chaos? Let me give you some order...

Now, with the usual dance of:
  • press and hold BOOT/PROGRAM (PRG)
  • press RESET (RST)
  • release BOOT as soon as you flashing tool tries to establish a connection to the chip

you will flash it in no time. Happy flashing...

Better pictures and a short step-by-step to flash OTA will follow...


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